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The Green Room Collective - Fibonacci Centre, Fremantle
Shaun Corlson, Leah Grant, Rob Walker, Grace Sanders, Marlyn Wynn, Sat 29 Oct 2016
The skies may have been overcast but the stars shone through tonight, each sparkling in their own unique way at the Fibonacci Centre tonight.
An individual place with a magical space the setting was right for a showcase of some of the amazing discrete musical talent that inhabits Perth.

Shaun Corlson
First artist to hot the stage to share his skills, strength, hope and experience was Shaun Corlson. His dexterous playing on a 12 string guitar had, at times, the sound of a harmonica reverberating, making me listen with added concentration.
It was indeed a clear, well rounded sounding PA throughout the evening and kudos must go to mixing desk control of the multi-talented Marley Wynn, also being last performer to take the stage.
Shaun worked through his set in what seemed liked no time, an indication of how well his compositions were received to these ears and the growing number of attendees.
With a debut recording in the pipeline Shaun Corlson is a name to watch out for.

Leah Grant
How often does one hear the cliché “voice of an angel? Well in this instance it was so close to being used but as this angel had much angst and passion the phase of a battling sweet mind will be the chosen phase.
And so the first paradox of the evening was displayed to those attending. The duality of a high quality, powerful, choir like, feminine voice integrated with that of a tortured mind and soul. However when backed by a sweet sounding but yet complex acoustic this was the backdrop to turn negativity into something positive and lasting.
Another set that was all over too soon. Once again we have a budding talent working on a debut release.

Rob Walker
For those that thought a night of acoustic guitar had roots in smooth, gentle strumming and finger picking along came Rob Walker to demonstrate how an acoustic guitar can be used as a weapon of choice for those that need to rock out.
With dynamite riffing and string bending solo’s Rob’s set was a wild stampede, yet beautifully orchestrated, maintaining the complexity of the previous set.
Despite having previously worked with the likes of Sarah McCleod (Superjesus) and Jeff Martin (Tea Party) to try capture his raw energy on digital recording those endeavours have remained fruitless but fruitful. Allowing Rob to continue his quest to capture “it” just right and thus stay in keeping with his artistic values.
I, along with the others ears, hearts and minds can only hope the time is nearing with the speed and velocity of Rob’s playing and rock star vocals.

Grace Sanders
Resplendent in red bandana, matching lip stick and guitar Grace bounced onto the stage with her upbeat, vigorous and joyous compositions. With the clear sound still running true this set again breezed past displaying yet another set of powerful and strong vocals.
We were Graced by having the Grace of Grace in our presence.
For those that remember the clicking of a stuck needle on vinyl pressing, yet again we are stuck in a groove and on a bandwagon. Yet again Grace is working hard to get her compositions released into the universal breeze

Marlyn Wynn
Bringing the evening to a close the conductor of the evening Marley Wynn achieved a wanting that been there for a while with the itch getting scratched as Alex joined him on stage, bearing the time honoured gift of the saxophone.
The sax intertwined with emotive singing and strumming produce a calming and serene way to wind down the evening.
Despite a small technical hitch comprising of his mic cutting out at times, Marley once again came to the rescue with his skills to get back on track. Previously Marley and the previous artists had worked feverishly to get Alex miked up to add even more depth to the sound.

The evening was a superb showcase of local talent, surely destined for great things. Ahh leading to the Great Paradox of being in world that appears superficial, it is best scratched and poked through the medium of artistic expression.
Yet to maintain the struggle the opposing force of capitalism, growth and art are required to thrust and retreat and perform the great dance. Or are they?
It may be a fact of life that the constant effect of opposing forces occurring “out there” that bring these tranquil spaces in being in the first instance?
However on a night this these questions were washed away on the waves of sweet sounds that the small gathering of musical aficionado’s had the honour and pleasure to give as well as well receive.
With the said venue looking to bring more musical acts to the fore this may soon become The Place to go to while away the hot summer nights. Or is that the elephant in The Room?
Filthy Apes @ WAM, Jimmy's Den, Perth
Sat 05 Nov 2016
One coffee two (correct spelling) many meant I arrived half way through the Filthy Apes set. There eclectic mix of grudge driven alternative rock was captivating to hold the attention of the small ensemble in Jimmy’s den. As it was a late afternoon set the audience numbers were a credit to the pulling power of this emerging outfit. They proved the substance behind the good press in Triple J Unearthed’s blog.
The couple beside me proved you are never too Old To Rock plus that mature fans have a discerning eye for the best seat in the house.

Legs Electric @ WAM, Jimmy's Den, Perth
Sat 05 Nov 2016
This gig was too be a bitter sweet affair for those around the Legs Electric camp. Sweet because it was another set and these ladies love to rock out to their brand of #maximumrocknroll.
In retrospective ‘bitter’ may have been too harsh a word, ‘sadness’ is more attuned to the event. This was to be six string guitar ace Laura McCormack’s last gig with the Legs line-up as we know them.
Laura has chosen to head East and test out her quest as a full time musician ‘over there’. All in the band and the loyal following they have built around themselves wish this shredder the Best of Fortune as Laura has been a mainstay in the song writing and performance events.
Lead vocalist Ama Quinsee voiced these thoughts at the o to the set and as they saw in showbiz it was time to get “On With The Show”.
The riff of the standard set opener “Temporary Road” pumped out and blossomed into the rousing get up and shout number. The rocking hook lines, which is a trademark along with energetic drumming, thunderous bass runs, powerhouse vocals entwined with inter-audience banter, rounded off by rip tearing solo’s, continued with “Black Magic” and “Illicit Love” .
A new number “Dark Paradise” was unleashed and well received from the full house.
Next up was one of the first Legs to be penned ”If” which had been retained despite some thoughts of the contrary amongst the band. This may be the reason this songs rolls into the classic “Deep Purple” number “Black Night” before “If” finishes and becomes a ‘That’.
“Trigger” and “Wanna Riot” continued the set with all playing with gusto. The stage wanderings of Laura and Ama were also a feature of this set.
“Strange Addiction” closed the set and was a fitting title.
One hopes that the Legs continue to spread (#spreadthelegs) and the band remans in good health. Laura’s departure leaves behind Kiss sized boots to fill but surely with the depth of musical talent in Perth they will find someone. Thus letting the Strange Addiction of Legs Electric rock long, loud and true into the Perth night skies.

The Southern River Band @ Jack Rabbit Slim's, Perth
Marmalade Mama, Old Blood, Sat 19 Nov 2016
Marmalade Mama
Power three piece Marmalade Mama hit the stage to deliver their brand of relentless, blues based rock.
With the fusion of solid but rambunctious drumming, solid bass lines, intense guitar and blues based vocals the Mama could be the orange in a Cream coloured cloud of a rock-blues skyline.
Marmalade Mama may also be vying for the sexist band in Perth judging from the calls they were getting for the growing number of nubile females strutting their stuff to the Mama’s beat.

Old Blood
Think the deepest dredged up swamp blues sliding and entwining with Joe Cocker like vocal intensity. And if that appeals to you then Old Blood are a band for you.
Is there such a thing as too much soul? Old Blood lay it out plain and simple, baring it up for the World to judge, with bayou blues slide and everglade vocals that suck you in.

The Southern River Band
Jack Rabbit Slim’s was chosen as the launching pad for the Southern River Band’s debut release, and what a great choice for this rock ‘n’ roll extravaganza. By the time the Southern River Band’s intro tape started the pre-gig SOLD OUT audience had assembled and taken their stations front stage, stage right, stage left, filling the pit, back, bar and all spaces in-between.
How many aspiring bands can boost a pre-gig sold out debut release show anywhere in the World never mind a band of blood brothers from Thornlie, Western Australia?
The friendly tour guide intro tape ended with an explosion of a combined salvo of drums, bass and twin guitars announcing the intention of this evening’s journey.
A double, no triple helping, of foot stomping, head banging, hand clapping, sing-a-long boogie woogie country blues was served up the Southern River Band way.
Led by the fast talking, non-stopping energy of lead vox and guitar, the one and only, Callum Kramer.
The SRB did became a five piece for a half about a dozen songs when the lead man’s Rocking Mama joined them with electric acoustic guitar.
Another proposition that not many other rock bands can aspire to?
An explosive set of raw energy was capped off by an encore of one, if not, the best of current sing-along rock ballad anthems that features a guitar solo that is never ending in its dexterity, agility and skill. “One of These Nights (I’ll Be Gone)”
A premonition of the Southern River Bands stay in Perth? Surly an astute record label/promoter will pick this band up and transport them to the outer reaches of the Rock ‘n’ Roll universe?
Tonight was a spiritual experience in the sharing of the Rock ’n’ Roll understanding, carried on the backs of the Southern River Band’s proficiency, know-how and understanding of how things could be and should be.
If you need an analogy think Molly Hatchet going hunting with a Georgia Satellites double barrel shotgun and a 38 Special.
Here endth the lesson.

Datura4 'Hair Mountain' Launch @ Mojo's, Fremantle
Cal (SRB), Burning Angels, Marlinspike, Sat 03 Dec 2016
Cal (SRB)
Lead axe and vox of current rock sensations Southern River Band, Callum Krammer, placed another side of his vast array of talent on the open stage to launch this launch night’s proceedings. With kick foot bass drum and his trusted six-string Callum entertained the small but growing audience with his interpretation of deep south blues and Texas boogie.
In between songs Callum entertained all with his non-stop delivery stream of anecdotes and rapping quotes. On his way to another gig with the SRB Callum’s non-stop energy vacated the building and left a vacuum to be filled.
A great way to start the evening.
Burning Angels
Newly formed three piece Burning Angels stepped up to fill the void. With powerful vocals, solid bass lines, drum fills aplenty and tasty six string sounds this youthful force showed enough talent and promise to bode well for future success.
Memorable riffs and band interplay were a stand out feature of some of their compositions.
Another young band took to the stage and brought twisting, turning meta-physical sonic forms that opened up the mind.
A big sounding four piece of bass, drums and twin guitars their Rush like aural cloud bursts were appreciated by the music listening aficionado’s that had gathered to scale the Hairy Mountain.
A rugged bunch of intrepid rock ‘n’ roll mountaineers strode purposefully onto the stage, ready to take on scaling the ‘Hairy Mountain’ of the latest Datura4 album. With enough Australian Rock Pedigree (think You Am I, The Kryptonics, The Monarchs, The Bamboos, the New Christs, The Stems, DM3 !!!!) to blow up the ‘Hairy Mountain’ never mind ascend the heady heights Datura4 blasted off for a night of rock face action.
With their heavy blues psychedelic rock they grind out classic after classic featured from their new offering ‘Hairy Mountain’ with a few select numbers for the previous release ‘Demon Blues’.
One of the stand out numbers that got the band moving around like a tribe of leprechaun’s on St.Patricks Day was the alcoholics post haze anthem ‘Pissin’ Up The Wall’.
The sixteen strong set-list was scaled to perfection with drummer Warren Hall, swashbuckling bassist Stu Loasby, Greg ‘Flashiest Shirt in Town’ Hitchcock and Dom ‘The Man’ Mariani dealing out the grinding riffs and screeching solo’s.
And you guessed it by the end of the night the Datua4 Flag was well and truly planted on the summit of Mojo’s by the time their encore closed the evening’s rock ‘n’ roll soiree.
British India @ Newport Hotel, Fremantle
Rag N'Bone, Sun 18 Dec 2016
Rag N'Bone
Normally making an effort to catch the support band in this instance the early start caught me out as I arrived as Rag N’ Bone started their last song. Powerful, loud and one to watch out for at future events.
British India
Despite being around since 2004, having five albums out and making several trips to WA prior this was the first time I (consciously) heard British India’s music never mind witness them in the live forum.
Led by a guitar played with Edge and a front man that has spirit, soul and high energy this power punk/indie/pop rock five piece delivered big time in the field of bouncing vigour, verve and dynamism.
Closing the WA leg of their “I Thought We Knew Each Other” tour the keyboards located in the lofty heights of the stage added texture and addition colour to the drum/bass/rhythm/ lead guitar rock sound.
The upbeat vitality of this unit got the packed stage front area of the Newport leaping, jumping and bonding with their good time sound that even featured some Bon Jovi type sing a long lines.
A great set that surprised many by closing without an encore. Playing for an hour plus we hope this was due to the Sunday night noise laws.
Definitely a band to catch up on to help raise those positive vibrations.