Perth Rocks Festival 2021 – Part XI (11)
Electric State
Badlands Bar, 20 Feb 2021
Having never seen Electric State in the live domain I was looking forward to this next set.
After suffering a brutal, but welcome, wall of guitar battering from the main stage I made my way quick smart to grab a vacant spot at the Bar Stage. Good choice for within minutes it had turned into a heaving crowd as Electric State fired up.
Electric State ballast off like a nuclear ballistic missile and for the next thirty five minutes or so the energy never let up.
With a hard core following the knew every word it was like being a witness to a private party but where everyone is invited.
Front man Rob is a dynamo powerfully getting his message across, employing a megaphone with discretion and trip to the bar table top to mix it up.
Ferocious drumming powered the grunge heavy rock sound, taking it to the limit.
With even a Cow Bell making an appearance for FF sake, this is one unit you need behold in the raw for a mental fun time.